I've come to the realization that I need to spend more time writing, singing, and moving my body. I've put so much effort into promotion and production over the last few months and it's left me with little in the reserves for creating art itself.
I don't know exactly how to make room for that type of presence in conjunction with my existing professional commitments but one way to start, I think, is to go analog and switch out my iPhone for an Apple watch.
I don't want to waste time shopping online, scrolling on social media or criticizing my own face in show footage for hours on-end. So, I am going to try leaving my phone off or at home during the day. I can already tell that the withdrawals will be horrible. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it now. Which is probably all the more reason I need to do it.
My hope is that I can fill some of the time that would otherwise be spent on a digital device with more nourishing things that bring me joy. Of course, I can't get away from the screens entirely, so I'll have to schedule time with my devices in intervals, ideally confined to the intention of work and communication.
How to ensure I spend enough time on what I believe to be one of the highest priorities–– songwriting–– is still unclear. Maybe I'll take some time on Monday or Wednesday of this week to focus on that front. That way, I'll have several uninterrupted hours to flow.
In order to achieve that luxury of time, I should spend the rest of today setting up for the week ahead. I took a walk to the nearest cafe and after this entry, I will make a to-do list.